Real Talk with Fernando Uribe will be holding a Town Hall with 10 candidates of the Green 13 of New Jersey who are running for Congress, live on October 15th, 2024 at The College of New Jersey R. Barbara Gitenstein Library Auditorium. The event will be in person and live streamed.

Host Fernando Uribe hosts a weekly online show, Real Talk, featuring the current political, social, and cultural highlights of New Jersey.
Fernando shares entertaining and insightful commentary on recent events,
politics, and life in the Garden State.

Real Talk is a division of Jersey 1st with the mission of educating and serving the hard-working people of NJ.

The 10 candidates that will be available to discuss policies are:

Robin Brownfield - NJ CD-1

Robin Brownfield who lives in Collingswood, NJ, is a former
organizer for the United Farm Workers, and an adjunct sociology and labor
studies professor at Rutgers University, Rowan University, and numerous
community colleges. With the American Federation of Teachers, she has helped
organize several union locals for adjunct professors in colleges and
universities in New Jersey, and served on the contract bargaining committees as
a Vice President in three of those bargaining units.

The daughter of a Jewish father and Filipino-American mother, she is also a well-known artist in the Philadelphia area, as well as an activist opposing racism. She is currently active in actions organized by South Jersey for Gaza, calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and the West Bank and an end to the genocide of Palestinian people being committed by the Israeli government.

She is opposing AIPAC-funded Congressman Donald Norcrosss in New Jersey Congressional District 1.

Thomas Cannavo - NJ CD-2

Thomas Cannavo grew up in Pennsville, Salem County and is a retired attorney and 25-year prosecutor. He worked for all three branches of government in CD-2.

People over profits is his theme, and making the quality of life of all citizens better is his goal. Tom feels that Congress has been taken over by the corporate oligarchs and special interests and he will work tirelessly to return government back to the people. The includes universal single payer improved Medicare for All, affordable housing as a human right, and phasing out of fossil fuels to be replaced with renewable and sustainable forms of energy, among other issues.

Tom is running for office for the first time, because he feels that ordinary citizens need to step up before our country and world are beyond repair.

As the CD-2 Candidate for the Green Party, he will fight to end the Duopoly’s funding of the genocide in Gaza.

Tom has received the endorsement of Our Revolution of Ocean County.

Steve Welzer - NJ CD-3

Green Party candidate for the US House of Representatives in District 3 in 2024, Steven Welzer has been a movement activist for over thirty years. He was a founding member of the Green Party of New Jersey in 1997 and its candidate for governor in 2013. Steve is also the editor of Green Horizon Magazine.

Barry Bendar - NJ CD-4

Barry Bendar graduated with a BA in Political Science from The William Paterson College of New Jersey in 1979. Barry has over 45 years of experience as an I.T. Professional, showcasing his expertise and dedication to his field. He moved to Forked River, Ocean County, in 1988 and has dedicated his life to serving his community and advocating for positive change.

Since 2009, Barry has been actively involved in local initiatives, serving as the Logistics Chair for the Relay for Life of Berkeley/Lacey. His dedication to cancer advocacy is also reflected in his role as the Congressional District 4 Lead for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, showcasing his deep concern for public health and well-being.

Barry’s commitment to environmental sustainability is demonstrated through his advocacy for the Shoreline retention project in Lacey Township. Additionally, he has long been associated with the Animal Protection League of New Jersey, championing the welfare of animals and promoting humane policies.

His activism is evident through his numerous roles and contributions. As a founding member and Live Outreach Coordinator of Voter Choice NJ, he has been at the forefront of the movement for Ranked Choice Voting, advocating for a fairer and more representative electoral system. His leadership as a GPNJ former Co-Chair and current Elections Chair further solidifies his commitment to progressive values and grassroots organizing.

Beau Forte - NJ CD-5

My name is Beau Forte. I am a father, husband, neighbor and homeowner in West Milford, born in Rochelle Park and raised by my father, aunt
and grandparents. My father worked hard to ensure I had the best childhood he
could provide. In 1981, he purchased the home that I grew up in, moving my
grandparents and aunt in with us to help raise me. It was a source of great
pride for him that he could provide my grandparents with their first yard for a
garden and their first taste of freedom from rent worries.

I went on to graduate from River Dell Regional High School
in Oradell and Lincoln Technical Institute in Mahwah. Aside from a brief few
years in Massachusetts, I am a lifelong resident of North Jersey. I started my
career with a building supply company in Maplewood, NJ and have spent most of
the last 20 years employed as a manufacturer’s representative for The Sales
Group, an independent sales agency. I covered multiple states as my territory
and had the privilege of meeting and working with many wonderful people.

I’m running to represent you in Congress for two important

Protecting Your Health:

First, I want to reform and revive our healthcare system, which has been
a years-long embarrassment to Americans. I’ve been on the business end of this
embarrassment: for more than 15 years, I served as my father’s medical proxy
and power of attorney. My father fell ill in 2007 and was not expected to
survive (thankfully, he did). After his illness, however, he suffered lingering
health issues until his passing last year. Like many of you, I was happy to
dedicate part of my life to caring for my father as he went through years of
dialysis, open-heart surgeries, diabetes issues and falls, as he was shuffled
back and forth between hospitals, rehab centers, visiting nurses and in-home
therapists. Over the years looking after my father, I experienced nearly every
heartless, burdensome aspect of our healthcare system and concluded that it
must change for the better. After appealing to our current congressman to help
me do so and seeing my pleas fall on deaf ears, I concluded that the change
must come from me.

Bringing Accountability Back

The second compelling need that inspired my candidacy is for
better, truer representation for the people of our district. Today we have a
congressman who rejects freedom of speech, uses his office for personal gain,
and refuses to address issues directly affecting his constituents. Most
disappointingly, our congressman takes most of his donations from corporate
special interests while the concerns of ordinary people of North Jersey who
count on him go unheard and unheeded. No one deserves to be represented by
someone who has fallen so utterly out of touch with the reason he is in
Congress in the first place.

As a working-class citizen, family man and taxpayer, this
bad faith and dodging of accountability is unacceptable.

Andrew Black - NJ CD-7

Andrew Black was born in Oberlin, Ohio. He earned a high
school diploma from Wellington High School and spent two years completing
college courses in New York State.

For the last two decades, Andrew has called New Jersey home.
He is a blue-collar worked with experience in warehousing and management.

Andrew has been married for ten years and is celebrating the
arrival of their first child shortly.

Housing & Food Security

Guaranteeing housing and food for all is paramount. By
limiting individuals to two houses and prohibiting corporate ownership of
homes, we ensure fair access. Using increased taxes for the wealthy, we’ll buy
apartment buildings, providing one-bedroom apartments with ground-floor grocery
stores with free access to residents in need, effectively replacing SNAP and
meeting basic human needs.

Immediate & Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza

We need to end the genocide in Gaza immediately with a
permanent ceasefire. Working towards a diplomatic 1 state solution that
includes all the displaced Palestinians around the world. Ensuring peace and
prosperity to the region.

Immediate & Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza

We need to end the genocide in Gaza immediately with a
permanent ceasefire. Working towards a diplomatic 1 state solution that
includes all the displaced Palestinians around the world. Ensuring peace and
prosperity to the region.

Andrew is a hard-working

and dedicated family man who will bring the same energy to fulfill his
commitments to the constituents in Congressional District 7.

Christian "CJ" Robbins - NJ CD-8

My name is Christian John “CJ” Robbins, I come from my
hometown of Medford, NJ, currently living in Old Bridge, NJ. I graduated from
Shawnee High School 2015. I have an Associates’ in Science and a Bachelors in
Communications from Rowan University. The issues I care about the most are a
green new deal, universal healthcare, universal basic income, and a cease-fire
in Gaza. I will also address the lack of affordable housing and for towards
free mass transportation for those in CD 8.

Ben Taylor - NJ CD-9

I’m a mycologist, writer, and political activist running for
Congress in New Jersey’s 9th Congressional District as a Green Party candidate.
I graduated from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, in 2021 with a degree in
Political Science. Growing up during the Financial Crisis of 2008 taught me
many valuable lessons about the horrors of unchecked capitalism. Unfortunately,
the American political system does not currently provide space for vocal
opponents of big business. For far too long, the two-party system has failed
American workers, with disastrous consequences for regular people.

That’s why I decided to run for Congress in 2024. You
deserve to have another option on this year’s ballot: someone who will
represent you and your community, fostering a genuine, human understanding of
your needs. With the Green Party NJ, I’m fighting against the two-party system
and demanding sustained rights for workers, women, communities of color, LGBTQ+
communities, and the environment.

I believe that the “change” so many of us were promised
since the early 2000s will not be gifted to us by the ruling class. We, the
working people of New Jersey, must stand up and demand these changes. Right
now, the richest people in the country are accumulating more wealth than ever
before, destroying our environment, our infrastructure, and our futures.
Meanwhile, the number of people living paycheck-to-paycheck has ballooned out
of control. This needs to change.

As a candidate from the Green Party NJ, I promise to never
take corporate donations. Money has no place in the democratic process. Real,
face-to-face human conversation is necessary for a democracy to function.

Our struggles are one struggle!

Eco-socialism for the working class and the indigenous
peoples of the world! The movement cannot be silenced.

Ben currently serves as one of GPNJ’s elected State

Jon Serrano - NJ CD-10

Jon Serrano was born in Paterson, New Jersey. He earned a
high school diploma from DePaul Catholic High School and an associate degree
from Bergen Community College in 2021.

Jon is here to help create a positive change within the
community through commitment to transparency, inclusive representation,
amplifying the voices of marginalized communities and addressing systemic

Jon Serrano's mission is to advocate for equitable access to
healthcare, economic opportunity for all, equality, separation of Church and
State, women's rights, racial justice, clean energy, a reduction of pollution,
and so many more issues for the residents of the 10th Congressional District
and beyond. He is committed to integrity, transparency, and inclusive
representation, striving to amplify the voices of marginalized communities and
address systemic injustices through collaborative policy solutions. Together,
we aim to build a more prosperous and resilient District 10, where every
individual has the opportunity to thrive.

Jon currently serves as one of GPNJ’s elected State

Lily Benavides - NJ CD-11

Lily Benavides’s journey began in the vibrant town of
Cartago, Valle Del Cauca, Colombia. With a natural drive to make a difference,
she embarked on her educational path at Colegio San Pedro Claver, graduating
from primary school in 1976. She continued her studies at Colegio Nuestra
Señora Del Rosario, completing her secondary education.

Lily’s passion for community service blossomed during her
time in New Hampshire where she was a key figure in the New Hampshire Immigrant
Rights Task Force. She organized rallies, testified before legislative
committees, and formed alliances with human rights organizations. Her efforts
led to the creation of a youth group, YOU (Young Community Organizers), which
addressed discrimination and harassment in schools. This group continues to
thrive today.

In 2004, Lily co-founded Orquideas de Colombia, a folkloric
dance group aimed at promoting Colombian culture. The group performed across
New Hampshire, including at the Statehouse and the New Hampshire Latino
Festival. She also played a vital role in organizing the New Hampshire Latino
Festival, directing a committee and helping to plan the only annual Latino
festival in the state.

Lily’s dedication to political activism was evident when she
served as a State Representative for Manchester, New Hampshire. She was a
member of the Labor, Industrial, and Rehabilitative Services Committee. During
this time, she also worked as the Hispanic Liaison for Bill Richardson’s
Presidential Campaign, organizing forums, recruiting volunteers, and
coordinating community efforts.

Her commitment to immigrant rights continued as she
volunteered with the American Friends Service Committee in Newark, New Jersey.
She supported campaigns for Temporary Protected Status (TPS), translated a book
for incarcerated women, and participated in the Prison Watch Program. As a
member of the AFSC Northeast Regional Executive Committee, she reviewed
programs and budgets, providing essential recommendations.

Lily volunteered with Wind of the Spirit in Morristown, New
Jersey, supporting campaigns for driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants
and a $15 minimum wage. Her administrative skills and ability to connect with
people made her an invaluable part of the team. In 2020 Lily coordinated
volunteers for Mutual Morris, a mutual aid group in Morris County, New Jersey.
Lily helped families in need by delivering essential items and researching
sustainable resources. Lily co-founded the Mayor’s Committee on Accessibility,
advocating for community members with disabilities. and is working towards
making it an ordinance to ensure its continued impact.

Her entrepreneurial spirit led her to establish EJWA
Cucharón de Palo, Arts, Crafts and Hobbies in 2022. This nonprofit organization
provided a free, safe, and sustainable space for arts and crafts education.
Despite its current inactivity due to a lack of funds, Lily remains hopeful for
its future as a 501(c)(3) entity.

Throughout her journey, Lily has participated in various
leadership programs. In 2006, she joined the American Friends Service Committee
delegation to the Mexico and Arizona border to study migration causes. That
same year, she was part of the New Hampshire Emerging Leaders in Communities of
Color program, which empowered minority leaders. In 2019, she completed the
Garden State Leaders Program, focusing on advocacy for residents with lived
experiences of homelessness and poverty.

Lily is a dedicated family person, deeply committed to her
husband, four children, and eight grandchildren. Lily’s passion for community
service and advocacy is driven by the hope that her efforts today will ensure a
brighter, more equitable future for them and for all children in her community.


The College of New Jersey is located at 2000 Pennington Rd,
Ewing Township, NJ.

+1 888-743-0063

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